Night Experience at Jhalong River Camp

Night Experience at Jhalong River Camp


"CAMP" This word itself is the igniter of fun within us. Camping with friends beside a waterfall or river is so much fun. Even some movies show such good camp scenes that we all have imagined camping with our friends, sometime or the other in our life. But when imagination turns reality we feel the ecstasy of joy. Today in this article you will get to read about a mind-boggling experience of a night at the Jhallong river camp.

Lets start!

Just 103 km away from Siliguri there is this beautiful River Camp known as Jhallong River Camp. It is protected and maintained by WBFDC (West Bengal Forest Department) and all the booking to stay in this place is done by the forest department. You can also stay in the doars hotel in murti but you are out for a camp so better stay in the camp.

What about the journey and stay?

Day1: Reach NJP

Catch a train from your hometown and reach NJP. Halt their in a hotel for the night.

Day 2: A wonderful night stays beside the river camp

[caption id="attachment_596" align="alignnone" width="524"] image courtesy: Pigeon River Campground[/caption]   In the morning rent a car and reach Jhallong, which is just three hours from Siliguri. As you reach there, you will be speechless with the immense natural beauty that it has to offer. As you reach the river camp, the caretakers of the camp will come and help you with the luggage. After you show them your booking slip they will take you in. Spend the whole day enjoying the natural beauty and merry make at night.

Day 3: Return journey

After a whole night enjoying and merrymaking, you will be tired and wake up late in the morning. But as you wake up, you will get a tasty breakfast ready for you to eat. After having breakfast, you can go out for strolling beside the river. As you return, take bath and freshen up. Then have a mouth-watering lunch and return to Siliguri.

What to do at the camp?

[caption id="attachment_599" align="alignnone" width="540"] image courtesy: Treebo[/caption]  

  • There are three types of camp. Low to high priced one. Each one has their own facilities. It is on you to choose which one serves your purpose.
  • After you have chosen your camp and settled comfortably, you can order your lunch. After lunch start set off for Bindu. Bindu is a natural beauty and comfort for the eyes. With river Jaldakha flowing by you feel the ultimate bliss of nature.
  • From Bindu, you can go to Jhalong, Suntaley Khola, Samsing, Chapramari, and Tangtey. You can also see birds like Mynas, Orioles, Owls, Parakeets, and Partridges etc. You can also see some orange gardens and beautiful forest resort.
  • Enjoy your time besides the Jaldakha and munch on some local cuisine like thukpa and momo.
  • In the afternoon return to the camp.
  • Here in the camp, there are proper arrangements for campfire and barbeque.
  • If you want they will arrange for you a local village dance performance. They will entertain you by performing their traditional dance.
  • Late at night around 2 or 3 pm you can go to your respective camps and enjoy a good night sleep.

Here is your complete guide about a river camp in Jhallong River. To Know More About Journey:


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